Portfolio Requirements
Our portfolio is created in collaboration with George Washington University's Environmental and Energy Management Institute to ensure they meet the following requirements:
GHG emission reduction is (1) not already mandated, (2) not a widespread practice, and (3) offset helps overcome financial, technological, or institutional barriers.
Baseline/base year emissions calculated using an accepted method, clearly presented, and verified.
Collateral Damage
Potential negative effects of the project considered and ruled out or accurately reported and compensated.
Corresponding Adjustments
Source country of emissions reductions adjusted its own emissions inventory.
Project unlikely to shift the source of emissions to jurisdictions with less ambitious policies. Presumed leakage rate specified. Measures in place to monitor, mitigate, and compensate incidents of material leakage.
Project offsets are sold on one or more readily accessible markets. Market transactions are executed and recorded rapidly and reliably.
Expected duration of emission reduction or avoidance specified. Detection systems and compensation mechanisms (financial instruments and buffer mechanisms) are in place.*
Price Stability
Price, sale, and retirement history of projects blend to maintain an acceptable trajectory.
Project Emissions Netted
GHG emissions (including scope 3) associated with execution of the project are documented, verified, and netted from offset claims.
Contract guarantees that offsets represent actual substantiated changes from baseline (accounting standards followed). Banked credits cover default or other legal recourse. Any forward crediting has a scientific rationale.
Complete offset documentation is available. Contact information is provided and has been tested.
Offsets start impacting greenhouse gasses quickly.
GHG emission reduction is confirmed and, for continuing projects, monitored throughout the stipulated lifetime. Monitoring system follows a clear protocol.
Projects are diversified over multiple types, geographies, and methodologies.
* We follow IPCC requirements of a minimum of 100 years for non-forestry/agricultural methods, and ACR requirements of 40 years for forestry offsets.
Our portfolio of projects also includes a number of co-benefits in addition to the elimination of greenhouse gasses. When and where possible aim to maximize the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.